Make Your Donation
Your donation here will go towards our Annual Appeal. Your contribution goes directly back into the West Haven community to provide critical services that strengthen families by:
• Head Start: Giving preschoolers of income eligible, working families a "Head Start" in life and the educational foundation they need to be socially, emotionally and mentally prepared for Kindergarten.
• Children & Youth Services: Ensuring that school-age children have an affordable, safe place to be during the out of school hours. Providing a vital Social and Emotional Learning After School program at Bailey Middle School. Working with the Board of Education to ensure any homeless children get the resources they need to receive an education.
• Community Connections: Provide people with intellectual disabilities enrichment opportunities to gain skills needed to increase independence and enhance their quality of life.
For more than 80 years, The West Haven Community House has been the cornerstone social service agency of West Haven. Our efforts are made possible because of contributions from generous donors like you.